MAYA Kings Of The Rainforest

30. March - 03. October 2007


Jaguar masks (pre-school to 2nd grade)
The Maya looked upon the jaguar as an imposing inhabitat of the rainforest and worshipped it as a god. Most precious was the gleaming fur. The children model jaguar masks from different materials.




Rainforest memory (from 2nd grade on)
Animals such as the jaguar, the howler monkey or the quetzal played a major part in the life of the Maya. With a memory made by the children themselves they get to know the central American rainforest and a multitude of it’s animals. How many animal couples can be found at the end of the workshop?


The Mayan ball game (from 3rd/4th grade on)
What did a game court look like? Which balls were used? What did the players wear and what was the religious meaning behind this game? This workshop answers all these questions while the students sow their own ball.


Mosaik mask (from 3rd /4th grade on)
adornments, art and masks made from jade were Mayan treasures. The students model a jade mask from jade-coloured mosaic stones and learn background information on the “green gold” of the Maya.



Mayan code (from 4th grade to 8th grade)
The Mayan books were folded like an accordion. According to an example the students make their own folded books and fill it with typical patterns, pictures or hieroglyphs.


The Mayan art of weaving (from 5th grade to 8th grade)
The students weave colourful patterns with strips of paper and cloth designing ornamental cards. In the meanwhile they get background information about the traditional Mayan weaving, which is still a central part of their culture today.



Mayan mathematics (from 5th grade on)
The Maya used a numeral system based on the number 20. The numbers were drawn with lines and dots. In this workshop the students will gain an entertaining insight into the Mayan mathematics.

Prices per student within the class:
Entrance:      2,50 €
Guided tour:    1,50 € (Duration 45 to 60 minutes)
Workshop: 2,50 € (Duration 60 minutes)
All guided tours for groups and workshops have to be booked!
Mon. till Fri. 9.00 – 16.00 hours
Tel.: 0049 (0)8031 – 365 9036
Fax: 0049 (0)8031 - 365 9030

Please take approximately 15 minutes delay at the cashier and the wardrobe into consideration. The total duration of a stay for a guided tour and a workshop is about 2,5 hours.

If you would like to prepare your visit please look under tips for teachers for the teacher’s kit (Lehrerhandreichung) which can be downloaded as a pdf file and for the further training events for teachers.

Tips for teachers>>>

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