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  Lectures, readings and encounters
in reference to topical issues such as culture, religiion, politics and womens´ social
standing in Afghanistan are offered by the Bildungswerk Rosenheim e.V. and the
Volkshochschule Rosenheim (adult education centres)
Lectures are held in German.

Tuesday, 11.5.04, 8:00 pm,

Bildungszentrum St. Nikolaus, Pettenkoferstr. 5, Rosenheim
Herrscher und Völker - Die Geschichte Afghanistans
(Lords and peoples - The History of Afghanistan)

Ref. Simon Noichl, Islamwissenschaftler
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Wednesday, 16.6.04, 8:00 pm,
Bildungszentrum St. Nikolaus, Pettenkoferstr. 5, Rosenheim
Die Kulturen Afghanistans
(Afghanistan`s Cultures)

Ref. Simon Noichl, Islamwissenschaftler
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Tuesday, 22.6.04, 8:00 pm, Bildungszentrum St. Nikolaus, Pettenkoferstr. 5, Rosenheim
Entwicklung des Islam vor und nach den Taliban. Begegnungen mit der Geschichte, der Religion und der Rolle der Frau
(Development of the Islam before and after the Taliban in Afghanistan.
A Confrontation between History, Religion and the Social Standing of women.)

Ref. Sidigullah Fadai, Imam der afghanischen Gemeinde München
Mariam Hotak, Afghanin
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Friday, 25.6.04, 8:00 pm,
vhs-Hans-Schuster-Haus, Innsbrucker Str. 3, Rosenheim
Nach Afghanistan kommt Gott nur noch zum Weinen-Die Geschichte der Shirin-Gol-
(God came to Afghanistan only to cry - The Story of Shirin-Gol)

Ref. Siba Shakib, Journalistin, Autorin
Coorperation: Bookstore Frohne
Entrance Fee: 6 Euro/ 4 Euro

Tuesday, 29.6.04, 8:00pm,
Bildungszentrum St. Nikolaus, Pettenkoferstr. 5, Rosenheim
Die militär-politische Lage in Afghanistan. Erfahrungen eines Bundeswehr-Kommandeurs.
(The Military and Political Situation in Afghanistan. Experience of a Commander of the German Forces.)

Ref. Rudolph-Georg Retzer, Oberst i.G.
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Wednesday, 7.7.04, 8:00pm,
Bildungszentrum St. Nikolaus, Pettenkoferstr. 5, Rosenheim
Film im Gespräch: Reise nach Kandahar
(Film and Talk: Journey to Kandahar)

Regie: Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Introduction and moderation: Angelika Graf MdB, Afghanistan-Expertin
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Monday, 19.9.04, 8:00pm,
vhs Hans-Schuster-Haus, Innsbrucker Str. 3, Rosenheim
Zerstörung und Raub - das tragische Schicksal des afghanischen Weltkulturerbes
(Destruction and Theft - the Tragic Fate of Afghanistan`s World Cultural Heritage)

Ref. Dr. Max Klimburg, Kunsthistoriker, Ethnologe
Entrance Fee: 5 Euro / 3 Euro

Further events and information,